Business Development Associates, Inc.

Restoration Companies
Marketing to Plumbers

BDA has been helping restorers grow their businesses and generate real wealth for almost 20 years! You’ll have a team of experts working for you and with you to turn your company into the kind of business you’ve always dreamed of running.

Plumber Marketing

Plumber Marketing & Sales Programs for Restoration Contractors

When most restoration contractors think about marketing to plumbers, they think it’s all about paying referral fees to the referring techs/owners. And while referral fees are part of this equation, if this is all your program is based on you need to know that what you “get” new plumbers based on is what you will also “lose” them on.

In short, if it is only about the referral fee, someone can always outbid you and you simply trigger unbridled greed on the part of the people that you want to create customer service partnerships with.

There is a better way and we’ve been doing it for years. In fact, we have helped our clients generate well over $150 million in new business using our marketing and sales programs calling on plumbers (and also HVAC contractors, fire suppression companies, leak detection companies, roofers, etc.).

Perhaps the biggest challenge in working this market is getting in front of the owner to have a solutions discussion. Plumbers are tough and require the right sales person who is properly trained in a process that will allow them to succeed.

On the other hand, once you break through, plumbers have water damage opportunities far more often than agents or commercial clients and, if you deliver on your promises, become fiercely loyal.

Ready to take your marketing to the next level?

Sign up now to receive our comprehensive restoration companies marketing to plumbers guide.

Formula for Getting Restoration Jobs from Plumbers

We expect a salesperson (the right salesperson) that is trained and managed in our program to generate at least $400,000 in new, closed collected business in their first year. We generally want to see that double in year two and year three. This is somewhat market and company dependent, but we have had salespeople following these programs routinely achieve $2 million in annual sales and a few select superstars have hit $3, $4 and even $5 million!

What’s so great about this program is that it is “evergreen” as long as you keep your salespeople (or transition wisely when they leave), deliver on your promises as a company (we’ll help make sure you do) but this book of business will bear fruit year after year.

Marketing to Plumbers

We have clients that we worked with years ago that are still reaping millions of dollars from these programs year after year.

So, is this something that would benefit your business? Are you ready for it? What would need to be in place to be ready?

If you would like to have a laid back, information only Zoom call with Tim Miller, the Founder of BDA and the guy that created all this stuff, he would be happy to talk even just to start to develop a relationship with another industry colleague. No hard sell or anything like that.

No matter what, you will leave that call with information you can immediately use whether we work together or not in the future.